
Finish Your Degree Faster by Testing Out of Classes

The Time
is NOW.

Many students dream of finishing their degree quickly and without the burden of hefty tuition costs. One effective way to achieve this is by testing out of classes. This process allows you to bypass courses you are already knowledgeable in, saving both time and money. At Newlane University, we emphasize a competency-based approach that makes this possible, helping students complete their degrees efficiently.

Testing out of classes not only speeds up the pathway to graduation but also provides a more personalized learning experience. Instead of spending time on subjects you already know, you can focus on areas where you need more understanding. 

This strategy is especially beneficial for those who have accumulated some college credits but never completed their degree. By transferring these credits and testing out of other required courses, you can quickly finish what you started.

Let’s delve into the concept of competency-based education, the benefits of testing out of classes, how the process works at Newlane University, and useful tips for successfully testing out. Read on as we provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your educational journey and achieve your degree goals faster.

Understanding Competency-Based Education

Competency-based education is an innovative approach that allows students to advance based on their ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills, rather than spending a fixed amount of time in class. This model focuses on what students know and can do, making it possible to progress at your own pace.

One key feature of competency-based education is flexibility. It gives students the freedom to complete coursework on their schedule. If you understand a subject well, you can quickly test out and move on to the next topic. This method is especially helpful for working adults, as it allows them to fit education into their busy lives.

Another advantage is personalized learning. In a competency-based program, you receive tailored guidance to focus on areas where you need improvement. By assessing your strengths and weaknesses, you can optimize your study plan and spend more time on subjects that need attention. This approach ensures a thorough understanding of the material and prepares you for real-world applications.

Benefits of Testing Out of Classes

Testing out of classes offers numerous advantages to students looking to finish their degrees faster and more efficiently. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Save Time:

By testing out of classes, you can skip material you already know, accelerating your path to graduation. This allows you to complete your degree in a shorter time frame, making it ideal for those who want to enter or return to the workforce quickly.

2. Reduce Costs:

The ability to test out of courses can significantly cut down on tuition and related expenses. You pay only for the assessments, not for classes you don’t need. This cost-saving approach is especially beneficial for students on a budget.

3. Less Stress and More Focus:

Instead of juggling multiple classes, you can concentrate on subjects that require more effort and skip the ones you already master. This reduces stress and helps you focus better, improving your learning experience.

4. Flexible Learning Schedule:

Testing out of classes provides the flexibility to learn at your own pace, which is perfect for students with jobs or family commitments. You can study when it’s convenient for you, making it easier to balance school with other responsibilities.

5. Increased Motivation:

The ability to progress quickly through a degree program can boost motivation. Seeing continuous progress can keep you encouraged and committed to achieving your educational goals.

These benefits make testing out of classes an attractive option for many students. It offers a fast, cost-effective, and flexible pathway to earning your accredited degree.

How Testing Out Works at Our University

Testing out of classes is a straightforward and effective process at our university. We designed the system to be user-friendly and supportive, ensuring students can successfully leverage this opportunity.

1. Credit Transfer Evaluation:

First, we evaluate any previously earned college credits. This helps in identifying which courses you may be eligible to bypass. We aim to maximize the use of your existing credits, allowing you to move rapidly through your degree program.

2. Assessment Process:

Once we determine the courses you can test out of, you will undergo a series of assessments. These evaluations are designed to test your knowledge and competency in the subject matter. If you pass, you earn the equivalent credit for the course without having to take it.

3. Flexible Scheduling:

You can schedule assessments at your convenience. This flexibility lets you prepare adequately without interfering with your work or personal life. No strict timelines mean you can take the time you need to study and excel.

4. Accredited Standards:

All our assessments adhere to high academic standards, ensuring they are valid and reliable. This guarantees that the credits you earn by testing out are recognized and respected across the academic and professional spectrum.

5. Supportive Environment:

We provide resources and support to help you prepare for your assessments. Whether through study guides or tutoring, you have access to tools that can aid in your success.

Tips for Successfully Testing Out

Testing out of classes can be an empowering experience, but it requires preparation and strategy. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

1. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses:

Before scheduling an assessment, honestly evaluate your knowledge in the subject. Focus on areas where you are confident and identify topics that may need more study.

2. Use Available Resources:

Take advantage of study guides, practice exams, and other resources provided by the university. These materials are specifically designed to help you understand what will be on the assessments.

3. Create a Study Schedule:

Organize your study time effectively. Set realistic goals and break down the material into manageable sections. This will make preparation less overwhelming and more productive.

4. Join Study Groups:

Collaborating with peers can be beneficial. Study groups allow for the sharing of insights, resources, and encouragement. They provide a platform for discussing difficult topics and learning from each other.

5. Stay Calm and Confident:

On the day of the assessment, stay calm. Confidence plays a big role in performance. Trust in your preparation and focus on the questions at hand.

6. Review Frequently:

Regularly review all study material, not just before the assessment. Frequent review helps reinforce knowledge and improves retention.

Maximize Your College Experience: Test Out of Classes

Testing out of classes presents a valuable opportunity to accelerate your educational journey while saving time and money. By understanding how competency-based education works and leveraging its benefits, you can take significant steps toward completing your degree efficiently.

Many students find that testing out allows them to focus on new learning while bypassing subjects they already know well. This method speeds up the process and keeps education costs low. With our university’s flexible scheduling and supportive resources, testing out of classes is a practical and achievable option for many.

If you’re ready to explore how testing out can help you achieve your academic goals faster, Newlane University is here to guide you through the process. Take charge of your education, utilize the available resources, and start your journey to earning a degree efficiently and affordably! Finish your degree with us today!