
From Credits to Credentials: Streamline Your Degree with Competency-Based Education

The Time
is NOW.

At Newlane University, we pride ourselves on offering an educational path that isn’t just about earning a degree; it’s about shaping a future. Our unique competency-based education system aligns with today’s demand for efficiency and flexibility in higher learning. Whether you’ve already accumulated college credits or are starting fresh, our approach is designed to adapt to your level of knowledge and pace of learning. It’s all geared towards facilitating a smoother and faster journey to obtaining your credentials.

This customized educational experience is particularly beneficial for adults returning to school or professionals looking to advance their careers without stepping back from their responsibilities. By focusing on what you already know and directing effort towards new learning, we not only respect your time but also your wallet. With us, the process of transferring previous credits is straightforward, ensuring that every course you have completed counts towards your degree.

Furthermore, the financial aspect of returning to school can often be daunting. That’s why we’ve structured our tuition to be one of the most affordable options for obtaining a US-accredited degree. Our clear, hassle-free payment plans and cost-effective approaches mean that advancing your education is achievable on any budget. Let’s explore how Newlane University makes your educational goals accessible and attainable, adapting to both your lifestyle and your learning style.

Understanding Competency-Based Education: Tailored to Your Knowledge and Skills

What is Competency-Based Education? At its core, competency-based education is designed to ensure that students progress through their educational journey by demonstrating mastery of specific skills and knowledge, rather than merely accumulating credit hours. This approach aligns perfectly with our philosophy here, as we aim to provide learning experiences that are both meaningful and practical. Our students achieve a deeper understanding and a more hands-on application of what they learn, tailored to their unique pace and capabilities.

Key Features of Our Competency-Based Learning Approach include personalized study plans and real-time feedback mechanisms. When you enroll in our courses, you’re not just signing up for passive lectures and standard exams. Instead, you receive active, engaging content that adjusts based on your performance and learning needs. This model ensures that you spend time on what you need to learn the most, allowing a more efficient and effective learning experience.

How Credit Transfer Works at Our University

Eligibility and Requirements for Credit Transfers are straightforward and student-friendly. Recognizing the varied educational backgrounds of our students, we emphasize the importance of utilizing what you have already learned. To be eligible for credit transfer, your previous courses must be from an accredited institution and should correlate with the courses in our programs. Importantly, credits from courses where you’ve earned a grade of C or better are typically transferrable.

Steps to Submit and Validate Your Previous Credits are designed to be smooth and transparent. Firstly, we ask that you submit your official transcripts. Our academic team will then review each submitted course against our program curriculum for equivalence and competency relevance. This thorough evaluation not only assures the integrity of your degree; it also respects and acknowledges your prior academic efforts, ensuring that every credit you transfer is a step further in your educational journey.

Cost-Effective Strategies to Maximize Your Degree Investment

When considering a degree, affordability is as crucial as the curriculum. We strive to make education both accessible and budget-friendly compared to traditional colleges. A direct comparison highlights that our tuition costs are significantly lower, ensuring that higher education isn’t a financial burden but an achievable goal for many. Unlike the traditional semester-based tuition models, which often require substantial upfront payments, our structure is designed to lighten that financial load.

Moreover, our monthly payment plan of just $39 USD is one of the unique features that sets us apart. This approach completely removes the overwhelming burden of large lump sum payments, making it feasible for you to plan and manage your educational expenses without undue stress. These financial strategies demonstrate our commitment to providing you with practical solutions that support your academic and financial stability.

Leveraging Flexible Learning to Fit Education into Your Life

Designing a personalized study schedule that flexibly fits into your lifestyle is a cornerstone of our educational philosophy. We recognize the pressures and demands of maintaining a balance between work, life, and school. That’s why our programs are crafted to provide you with the autonomy to integrate your studies seamlessly into your busy schedule. Flexible course timings mean that you can engage with your studies at times that make the most sense for you, be it early mornings or late evenings.

Our success strategies are tailored to help busy students like you maximize their productivity without compromising on their responsibilities outside of school. From offering tips on time management to providing resources for effective learning, we ensure that your educational journey is as smooth as possible. This approach not only enhances your learning experience but also ensures that you can apply your newfound knowledge practically in your personal and professional life.


Choosing to pursue a degree with us is choosing a path of flexibility, affordability, and quality. By adapting to the needs of modern students, we offer an education that fits your life, not the other way around. Whether you’re just starting your academic journey or seeking to complete a degree, our programs in General Studies and Philosophy are designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed for success in the diverse and changing world.

Ready to transform your educational and professional future? Join us at Newlane University, where innovative online learning and competency-based education meet academic excellence. Explore our programs and discover how we can help you achieve your dreams.