
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

Newlane University monitors students’ progress through the associate and bachelor’s degree program in accordance with its Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy. This policy applies to all students and is not affected or altered by accepted transfer credits. Courses taken as part of the introduction sequence are considered in SAP calculations.

To maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), students must meet the following standards:

  1. Qualitative Standard: Mastering Course Goals and Objectives 

Students must demonstrate mastery of course goals and objectives for each course attempted, in accordance with the University grading policy. Students must demonstrate clear, accurate, thorough, and detailed mastery of course goals and objectives by earning a Pass: Full Mastery.

  1. Quantitative Standard: Progress Pace

Students must complete at least 12 semester credit hours per year (minimum 3 semester credit hours per quarter) and must complete their degree program within a maximum of six years from their enrollment date.*

*This maximum time frame is applicable to both the Associate of Arts in General Studies (60 semester credit hours) and Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (60 semester credit hours, degree completion only). Students enrolling in the bachelor’s degree program must have already earned an associate degree from an appropriately accredited institution or request transfer of 60 semester credit hours. 

SAP Monitoring

The Student Support Director monitors satisfactory academic progress and informs students of their progress status monthly by email. 

  • Students who complete at least one 3 semester credit hour course per quarter and remain on pace to complete their program in a maximum of six years are in good standing. 
  • Students who do not complete at least one 3 semester credit hour course per quarter are subject to Academic Warning unless they request and receive approval for a Leave of Absence.
  • Students who have not met annual completion pace requirements for any enrollment year (completion of less than 12 semester credit hours) are subject to the following:

Academic Warning

Students who do not complete 12 semester credit hours annually (a minimum of one 3-semester credit hour course per quarter) based on monthly monitoring or failed to complete 12 semester credit hours in the prior year but are still on pace to graduate within six years are subject to Academic Warning. Students receive an email notifying them that they are not on pace to meet annual completion pace requirements and receive recommended support options (see below). Monthly, students who are not making progress receive escalating warnings and support recommendations. Monthly Academic Warning notifications provide an early warning mechanism to inform students of their SAP and are not appealable. Students remain on Academic Warning status until they regain satisfactory progress. If students do not return to good standing after one year on Academic Warning, they are subject to Academic Probation.

Academic Probation

Students who do not meet satisfactory academic progress requirements at the conclusion of one year (as defined above) are subject to academic probation. Monthly, students receive an email notifying them that they are subject to Academic Probation and receive required support options based on students’ needs (see below). Students have six months to return to satisfactory academic progress, or they may be subject to academic dismissal.

Students may appeal an Academic Probation decision if there are extenuating circumstances that affected students’ ability to meet SAP standards, which includes personal or family critical illness (both physical and mental), natural disaster impacting the student or family’s home, assault, etc. If an appeal is approved, students are placed on Academic Warning for six months. 

To appeal, students must complete the SAP Appeal Form, which allows them to explain the extenuating circumstances and submit supporting documentation. The Educational Records and Student Experience Committee reviews all SAP Appeal Forms submitted. This committee considers whether further documentation is needed or whether the justification for the appeal is reasonable. SAP decisions by this committee are final. 

Academic Dismissal

Students who do not complete at least one 3 semester credit hour course in a year, have not completed at least 30 semester credit hours in a three-year timeframe, failed to complete their program within six years, or failed to regain SAP during an academic probation period are subject to Academic Dismissal. Students have three months to appeal an Academic Dismissal decision by completing the SAP Appeal Form. If an appeal is approved, students are placed on Academic Probation for six months. Students who are dismissed for not meeting SAP standards, must re-apply and be admitted under the admission requirements and catalog in place at that time. Additionally, students applying for re-admission must also provide a narrative explanation regarding how their circumstances have changed to ensure success in program completion.

Academic Support

Students on Academic Warning are encouraged to take advantage of the following support measures. Students on Academic Probation must participate in the following support measures, as part of an Academic Recovery Plan developed in consultation with their advisor.

  1. Guided Courses: Students meet with a professor and counselor once a week for 4-6 weeks to complete the course within one quarter.
  2. Accountability Check ins: Students meet once a week for 4-6 or more weeks with a counselor, and during each meeting, report on their progress from the previous week, and commit to taking specific steps toward completing coursework by the following week.
  3. Quarterly Counselor Check ins: Students meet with a counselor to discuss and plan to complete their course work in a timely manner. All students who have not participated in a Guided Course or Accountability Check-in during the past three months, or have not passed a course in the past three months, must participate in a Quarterly Counselor Check-in.

I understand and accept Newlane University’s qualitative and quantitative standards of satisfactory academic progress, including the mastering course goals and objectives, and the pace and time to graduate criteria. I understand that I must meet BOTH standards to meet satisfactory academic progress. I understand that I can appeal any negative satisfactory academic progress judgments (i.e., Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal), and my appeal will be reviewed by the Educational Records and Student Experience Committee, whose decision is final. [Student initial]


I understand and agree that once I enroll in a Newlane University degree program, I may be contacted in multiple ways throughout my enrollment to help me make satisfactory academic progress toward completing my degree program. [Student initial]