
Quickly Finish College by Testing Out

The Time
is NOW.

Paying for college can be overwhelming, especially with high tuition costs and hefty fees. But what if there was an easier way to earn your degree without breaking the bank or spending years in school? Many students are now choosing competency-based education to fast-track their way to a degree.

Understanding Competency-Based Education

Competency-based education focuses on what you know and can do rather than how much time you spend in a classroom. This method measures your skills and knowledge through exams or practical assessments. If you already have a good grasp of a subject, you can prove it through a test and move on to the next topic. This way, you don’t have to sit through lessons on material you already understand.

This type of education works well for people who have real-world experience or prior learning. For example, if you’ve worked in a field related to your studies or have taken previous college courses, you can skip ahead to new content faster. This approach saves you time and lets you focus on learning new and challenging subjects that will be more beneficial to you.

Competency-based education is also very flexible. It allows you to study at your own pace and schedule. You can work through subjects quickly or take your time if needed. This makes it ideal for students who are balancing work, family, and other responsibilities. You control your learning journey, making the education process more personalized and efficient.

Steps to Testing Out of College Courses

Testing out of college courses is a straightforward process. Here are the steps you can follow to get started:

1. Identify Eligible Courses: First, find out which courses you can test out of. Colleges usually provide a list of eligible courses. These might include general education subjects like math, science, or humanities.

2. Study the Material: Gather the study materials for the courses you want to test out of. You can find textbooks, online resources, and practice tests to help you prepare. Make sure you understand the key concepts and topics that will be covered in the exam.

3. Schedule the Exam: Once you feel prepared, schedule your exam. Many colleges offer online testing, so you can pick a time that works best for you. Make sure you know the exam format and any specific rules or guidelines.

4. Take the Exam: On the exam day, make sure you are well-rested and have a quiet space to take the test. Follow all the instructions carefully and do your best to show your knowledge.

5. Receive Your Results: After the exam, you will get your results. If you pass, you earn credit for that course without having to take the class. If you don’t pass, you can usually retake the exam after some additional studying.

By following these steps, you can test out of multiple courses and move closer to earning your degree. This process speeds up your education and can save you a lot of money in tuition fees.

Advantages of Testing Out for Busy Students

Testing out of college courses offers several benefits, especially for students who have a lot on their plate. Here are some advantages that make this approach appealing:

1. Time-Saving: One of the biggest benefits is the time you save. If you already know the material, you can skip the entire course by passing the test. This lets you move on to other subjects faster, speeding up your path to graduation.

2. Flexibility: Testing out allows you to set your own schedule. You can study and take exams when they fit into your busy life best. This flexibility is perfect for those balancing work, family, and school.

3. Cost-Effective: Each course you test out of means one less class you have to pay for. This reduces overall tuition costs and can save you a lot of money. It’s a budget-friendly way to earn your degree.

4. Less Stress: Knowing you can rely on your existing knowledge to pass tests takes some pressure off. You focus more on new subjects that need your attention, rather than rehashing what you already know.

5. Motivation: Testing out can be motivating. Each exam you pass gets you one step closer to your degree. Seeing that progress can keep you motivated and on track to finish your education.

These advantages make testing out a great option for students who need a more efficient and flexible way to complete their college education.

How Newlane University Makes It Affordable

Newlane University offers a unique and affordable path to earning your degree. Here’s how we make higher education accessible to everyone:

1. Low Monthly Payments: At just $39 per month, our tuition plan is one of the least expensive ways to get a US-accredited degree. This low cost means you don’t need to come up with a big lump sum of money. You can budget easily and pay as you go without financial stress.

2. Competency-Based Learning: Our programs allow you to test out of every course, letting you finish your degree quickly. You only pay for the time you need, making your education both fast and affordable.

3. Credit Transfer: We specialize in helping students who have some college credits but never finished their degree. We transfer all your credits to help you complete your education faster. This saves you time and money.

4. Flexible Coursework: Our online courses are designed to fit into your busy life. You can study whenever and wherever it suits you. This flexibility helps you balance school with work, family, and other responsibilities.

5. Focus on Liberal Arts: We offer specialized liberal arts degrees that few online programs do. You can choose from an Associate of Arts in General Studies or a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. This focus ensures you get a well-rounded education.

With these features, Newlane University makes it easier and more affordable to earn your degree, no matter your circumstances.


Testing out of college courses through a competency-based education model offers an efficient, flexible, and cost-effective way to complete your degree. This approach is particularly beneficial for busy students who need to juggle work, family, and studies. By leveraging your existing knowledge and skills, you can fast-track your education, saving both time and money.

Newlane University stands out as a leading institution that makes this possible. Our low monthly payments, flexible coursework, and credit transfer options make it easy to achieve your educational goals. We focus on liberal arts degrees, offering specialized programs that few online institutions do. With these features, we help you turn your college credits into a completed degree, all while fitting into your busy life.

Ready to finish your college degree quickly and affordably? Discover how Newlane University can help you achieve your academic and career goals. Visit our website to learn more and start your journey today!