
Newlane Transfer Credit Policy

Updated 5 December 2022

Newlane University accepts credit from accredited postsecondary institutions toward a degree at Newlane University. 

Newlane University accepts a maximum of 75% of the credits required to complete a degree program to be transfer credits. Newlane University accepts a maximum of 25% of the required major credits to be transfer credits. Transfer credit may be considered for partially or fully satisfying the credit requirements for one or more general education categories, as determined by the transfer credit evaluator. Transfer credit is not accepted toward completion of a Capstone Project. If Newlane accepts one or more transfer credit(s), this will be documented as “Transfer Credit(s)” on your Newlane transcript. Accepted transfer credit will be counted toward degree credit requirements, but will not be considered for documenting student mastery of degree outcomes (aims, goals or objectives).

Advanced Placement or CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) exams less than five years old with scores of three and above may also be considered for credit.

Courses designated as Approved Quality Curriculum (AQC) or American Council on Education (ACE) recommended may also be considered for credit.

Vocational or recreational courses may be considered for transfer credit, so long as they meet the other standards of Newlane’s transfer credit policy. Such courses are typically considered only for elective credit, unless the reviewer determines that a given course reasonably satisfies some credit requirements for either a general education or major category. In such cases the reviewer will document the rationale for considering one or more vocational or recreational course to help satisfy either general education or major credit requirements. 

Pass/Fail courses may be considered for transfer. Such decisions are determined on a case by case basis.

Newlane does not consider transfer credits for courses to which no credit was assigned. 

For more information regarding transfer credit, students are encouraged to contact the Chief Academic Officer Ben Blair (ben@newlaneuniversity.com)

Transfer Credit Guidelines

The information recorded on the transfer credit evaluation becomes part of the student’s permanent record at Newlane University. Credits must meet the following requirements to be transferable:

  • For credits to be transferable, they must be earned from an appropriately accredited college, university, or training institution which has received A.C.E. (American Council on Education) recommendation for college credit (or other similarly accredited institutions in other countries).
  • Only transcripts in English will be considered for transfer credit. Newlane does not offer translation services, but may consider an official transcript that has been translated by a certified agent. 
  • Newlane University accepts only grades of “C” or higher for transfer credit.
  • Due to advances in technology and changes in laws, some credits older than 3 years may not be transferable.

*All credits are subject to review by the Chief Academic Officer and may be approved or denied at their discretion.

The student is responsible for requesting official transcripts from their previous college(s). Only official transcripts will be evaluated for possible transfer credits. Exceptions may be made if the school where the credits were earned is no longer a going concern, or can’t be reached, or if obtaining an official transcript is prohibitively difficult (e.g., the cost to obtain the transcript is prohibitively expensive, physical appearance on campus is required and the student no longer resides near the school, etc.) Such exceptions are reviewed and documented by the Chief Academic Officer and may be approved or denied at their discretion.

The Newlane University official transcript lists the name of the institution from which the transfer courses come, the names of the transferred courses, and number of transfer credits awarded. Transfer grades are not included in the Newlane University transcript.

To apply for transfer credit, please provide the following:

  • An official transcript from the institution where credits were earned. You may submit your unofficial transcripts while waiting for the official ones to arrive in order to expedite the evaluation process. Download a transcript request form.
  • Once your transfer credit evaluation is completed, an admissions advisor will provide you with a degree plan that outlines the courses for which you have earned transfer credit and those you will still need to complete to earn your degree.

Life Experience and Transfer Credits

Newlane University does not currently award transfer credit for experiential learning. Most Newlane University students bring tremendous life experience and knowledge to the classroom—knowledge that may have been acquired both in and outside of the traditional classroom setting.  We value any knowledge and mastery students have gained, regardless of how or where they gained it. While Newlane University does not have a straight line life experience transfer credit option, students may review course goals and objectives to determine which they have mastered through their life experience and test out of a course by demonstrating mastery of the course goals and objectives by completing the course exam, project, and hearing.