
Flexible Online Study: Fit Your Education into Your Busy Life

The Time
is NOW.

In today’s bustling world, flexibility in education is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. We understand this at our university, which is why our online Liberal Arts programs are designed with your needs in mind. Whether you’re returning to school after a break, or you’re trying to balance education with other life commitments like work and family, our programs offer the adaptability you require to succeed without compromising the quality of your education.

We leverage the unique strengths of competency-based learning to offer one of the most affordable paths to a US-accredited degree. This approach not only ensures that you can progress at your own pace but also significantly reduces the financial strain typically associated with higher education. With monthly payments of just $39 USD, our students can focus more on learning and less on how to fund their education. This system is especially beneficial for our students who need to manage their budgets carefully and prefer not to be burdened by large lump sum payments.

Our innovative approaches are designed to fit schooling into your life, not the other way around. At our university, education adapts to you: your time, your pace, your life.

Exploring the Flexibility of Online Liberal Arts Degrees

With the fast-changing world around us, flexibility has become a key requirement for anyone looking to advance their education. Recognizing this need, our online Liberal Arts degrees are crafted to provide you with the ultimate flexibility while maintaining rigorous academic standards. Whether you are eager to dive deep into philosophy or explore various realms of the humanities, our programs are structured to meet you right where you are.

Our online format means you can access your coursework from anywhere, at any time, eliminating the need for commuting or strict class schedules. This flexibility is crucial for those who may not fit the traditional student mold—perhaps you are a working adult, a parent, or someone who juggles multiple responsibilities. By offering our courses online, we ensure that you can integrate education smoothly into your busy life without compromising your other commitments.

How Monthly Payments Simplify Managing Your Education Budget

Concerns about education funding are common amongst students, but our innovative monthly payment model is designed to ease these worries. At only $39 USD per month, you can maintain a predictable budget, focusing on your studies without the financial anxiety that large, upfront costs can create. This approach not only simplifies financial planning but also makes higher education attainable for a wider audience who might otherwise consider it out of reach.

Our monthly installment plan resembles a subscription model—a modern and familiar payment method. This helps demystify the expense of higher education, making it more comparable to daily managed expenses like utilities or streaming services. You gain the freedom to plan your finances without the pressure of sizable semester bills, ensuring a smoother financial journey through your college education. This method of payment supports our mission to make learning affordable and accessible, regardless of one’s financial background.

Competency-Based Learning: Customize Your Academic Pace

At our institution, we understand that learning is not a one-size-fits-all process. That’s why our competency-based learning system is designed to match your unique pace and ability. This personalized approach ensures that you move forward only when you’ve fully grasped the course material. Whether you learn faster or need more time to absorb complex concepts, our program adapts to your individual learning style. This customization not only makes education more effective but also much more engaging.

The flexibility of our model is particularly beneficial for students who have varying professional and personal commitments. By not being tied to a fixed schedule and having the ability to test out of known material, you can focus on acquiring new knowledge and skills that are directly applicable to your career aspirations. This leads to a more efficient educational experience, where every study session moves you closer to your personal and professional goals.

Strategies for Balancing Studies with Work and Family Commitments

Balancing education with other life responsibilities can be challenging, but with the right strategies and a flexible educational program, it’s entirely possible. Our programs are designed to integrate seamlessly into your busy life. Here are some practices that can help you manage your studies alongside work and family obligations effectively:

1. Prioritize Time Management: Use tools like digital calendars or apps to schedule dedicated study times around your other commitments. This helps in creating a routine and minimizes stress by ensuring you have ample time for all activities.

2. Leverage the Flexibility of Online Learning: One of the biggest advantages of our online liberal arts degrees is the ability to access coursework from anywhere at any time. Whether early in the morning, during lunch breaks, or late at night, you can make progress in your courses at a time that works best for you.

By employing these strategies, along with the flexible, competency-based framework of our courses, you can successfully manage your educational pursuits without compromising on your work or personal time.


Navigating the demands of higher education alongside professional and personal responsibilities doesn’t have to be an overwhelming challenge. With our innovative competency-based education system and flexible online liberal arts programs, we provide a pathway to academic success that conforms to your pace and life circumstances. Our affordable monthly payment plans and the ability to accelerate your course completion further enhance the accessibility and manageability of achieving your educational goals.

At Newlane University, we are dedicated to fostering an empowering learning environment that aligns with your individual needs and aspirations. Join one of our affordable online associate degree programs to experience an education that’s not only comprehensive and accessible but deeply respectful of your personal journey. Embark on your path to success with us today, where innovative online learning meets academic excellence.