
Discover the Unmatched Value and Flexibility of Newlane University’s Online Liberal Arts Degrees

The Time
is NOW.

In the realm of higher education, finding the perfect balance between academic quality, affordability, and flexibility can often prove challenging. For many working adults, the pursuit of a degree amidst a busy lifestyle comes at a steep cost. But fear not: Newlane University offers a game-changing solution. We are proud to provide one of the least expensive ways to earn a US-accredited degree without compromising on academic excellence or flexibility. Not only do we focus on online liberal arts education—a rarity in the realm of online programs—but we also cater specifically to students who have previously pursued some college education but have yet to complete their degrees.

In this blog post, we will shed light on what sets Newlane University apart from the competition. We will explore our unique offerings, including our exceptional affordability, flexible curriculum, and commitment to helping students complete their liberal arts degrees online. From our innovative competency-based approach to custom-tailored degree programs for working adults, Newlane University is revolutionizing online higher education with its exceptional value, emphasis on liberal arts, and commitment to student success.

Incredible Affordability: Pay Monthly, Not Tuition-Free

While many institutions tout themselves as “tuition-free,” they often surprise students with hidden fees and expenses. We pride ourselves on our transparency and affordability. As one of the most budget-friendly ways to earn a US-accredited degree, we make degree completion more accessible through a simple monthly payment plan. Students can make small, manageable payments of just $39 per month, eliminating the burden of paying a large lump sum.

The Unique Focus on Liberal Arts Degrees Online

Liberal arts education is known for developing well-rounded individuals who are adept in critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills. Unfortunately, many online programs overlook the value of liberal arts in favor of more specialized disciplines. We place a special emphasis on liberal arts degrees, offering two distinct programs: the Associate of Arts in General Studies and the Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. By choosing to focus on liberal arts, our students reap the benefits of a versatile education that stimulates intellectual curiosity and adaptability in a rapidly changing world.

Competency-Based Learning: Accelerate Your Degree Completion

Our competency-based approach sets us apart from traditional online learning programs. Instead of having to follow a predetermined course schedule, you have the opportunity to test out of courses based on your knowledge and experience. This allows you to accelerate your degree completion and tailor your educational experience to your needs and skills. For those who have acquired knowledge and skills through work or other life experiences, competency-based learning is an efficient way to earn your degree quickly.

Supporting Students with Previous College Experience: Finish Your Degree Faster

Many of our students come to us with some college education but have yet to complete their degree. We focus specifically on helping these individuals finally achieve their academic goals. By offering generous credit transfer policies, we ensure that the hard work and accomplishments of our students are recognized as they transition to our programs. This allows our students to fast-track their degree progress and avoid spending unnecessary time and resources on repeating completed coursework.

Super Flexible Coursework: Embrace a Busy Life and Excel in Your Studies

We understand that our students lead busy lives, juggling work, family, and other responsibilities alongside their pursuit of higher education. Our online programs are designed with this reality in mind: we offer super flexible coursework that can be adapted to suit each individual’s schedule and needs. Say goodbye to the rigid timelines of traditional universities and hello to a dynamic learning environment that allows you to progress at your own pace while enjoying the freedom to focus on your other priorities.

Choose Newlane University for Affordable, Flexible, and High-Quality Online Liberal Arts Education

Gone are the days when earning a degree meant sacrificing quality, affordability, or flexibility. With Newlane University’s online liberal arts programs, you can enjoy the best of all worlds. Our unique offerings provide an unparalleled educational experience without breaking the bank. Combine this with our innovative competency-based learning model and a strong focus on supporting students with previous college experience, and you have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to achieve academic excellence on your terms.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative educational journey that offers affordability, flexibility, and an emphasis on liberal arts? Join us at Newlane University and learn how our online liberal arts programs can open doors to new opportunities and long-lasting success in both your personal and professional life.