
Counseling and Placement

The philosophy degree at Newlane University provides a background suitable for
a wide variety of career options including law, business, politics, teaching, journalism, counseling, writing, etc. While many philosophy graduates pursue work upon
completion of the bachelor degree program (such as director, manager, writer, or
analyst positions in a wide range of business, community, or governmental organizations) most view the philosophy degree as a superb foundation for a wide range
of graduate programs. Students with a philosophy degree are desirable for numerous careers given their strong background in logic and argumentation, excellent
reading and writing skills, and highly-developed critical thinking skills.

The Associate of Arts degree at Newlane University provides a good foundation
in the traditional core of higher learning: Science, English language arts, Social
science, Fine Arts, Math, Health, History, etc. With an Associate’s Degree from
Newlane University, candidates would be qualified for a range of occupations,
including: Business office manager, medical receptionist, dental office manager,
administrative assistant, customer service agent, teacher assistant, etc.

Newlane University offers career and alumni services, but does not in any way guarantee job placement, or wage or salary levels.